2/5 Stars 🌟🌟
In a way, this Sesame Stir Fry Lean Cuisine is like the “Along Came Polly” (2004) of frozen meals, in that if you’d been trapped in a bunker for the past 25 years and this was the first thing you encountered upon your release, you’d think they were both pretty darn good. (Also I blame Ben Stiller for the movie and the Lean Cuisine.)
But, if you’re the kind of human who exists in the world and knows about, say, anything else, they’re both gonna fall short.

Taste: 2.5/5
Someone at the Lean Cuisine factory must have inherited boat loads of spaghetti noodles and sugary sweet sauce, and that’s why they include both of those in literally every meal. It’s the only explanation.
Ease of Cooking: ⅖
FIVE AND A HALF MINUTES COOK TIME??? In the same time that it’d take you to cook this, you could go to a real restaurant, where you could eat food that doesn’t cause your coworkers to say, “What…is that….?” with concerned eyes.
Appearance: ⅖
It looks like something that a well-meaning child would make if you left them alone in a kitchen, as they tried to impress you before you shipped them out to a military school in Siberia or something. (It wouldn’t work. Bon voyage, Billy!)
Overall: ⅖
This Lean Cuisine was lackluster. So lackluster, in fact, that I forgot I’d already had it, and bought another that’s awaiting me in my freezer right now.