2/5 Stars 🌟🌟
When you hang out with me, it’s guaranteed that I’m going to talk about 2 things – the 2006 hit film “Night at the Museum” (I think it’s based on a true story), and my deep, deep love of meatloaf.
I think meatloaf a perfect food, and I will not rest until it’s both our national food AND, somehow, the national anthem. Meatloaf hits all my boxes of what a good food should be – warm, loaf-shaped. (End of list.)
So needless to say, I had high hopes for this Lean Cuisine. I….should not have had those.
The thing that strikes me the most about this Meatloaf-themed Lean Cuisine is the SAUCE. You know that thing where you make a perfectly good slab of beef, and then cover it in a sauce that seems to be made of tomatoes and melted Jolly Ranchers? Yeah. It tastes like that!

Taste: ⅗
Given the opportunity, I’d absolutely binge eat sugar cubes like a horse with opposable thumbs. That being said – this is too sweet, even for me. (The mashed potatoes are good though!)
Ease of Cooking: ⅕
It’s a whole thing – you have to microwave, stir JUST the potatoes, and microwave again. I will not rest until the day when you can just eat these bad boys raw.
Appearance: ⅖
It looks like a cartoon version of a bad school lunch. That being said, meatloaf isn’t exactly known for being sexy, so I’ll let it slide.
Overall: ⅖. If you ever find yourself craving a hunk of meat in sugar sauce, then look no further, my friend!