2/5 Stars 🌟🌟
Okay things are getting wild over at Lean Cuisine because this Spaghetti with Meatballs tastes *exactly* like my grandma’s recipe. (My grandma had an extremely rare condition where she dumped an entire bag of sugar on top of all pasta dishes. Tragic. But I am excited for the inevitable Lifetime movie about her – Mother, May I Sugar Pasta?)

Taste: ⅖.
Remember those old Kid Cuisine frozen dinners, with the little Penguin on the box? This tastes like one of those, but without the added benefit of the tiny cosmic brownie or the possible trip to Blockbuster after.
It’s weirdly, deeply sweet. Although credit where credit is due – the meatballs rule. Then again it is – and I cannot stress this enough – impossible to mess up meatballs. You could make them out of literal garbage and glass shards, and I’d be like ‘Yum, can you send me this recipe? I want to make these for a party. :)’
Ease of Cooking: ⅕.
Would you believe me if I told you this took twelve and a half hours in the microwave to cook? Well it was six minutes plus a minute to cool, and that’s close enough.
Appearance: ⅘.
Hell yeah. It looked like spaghetti! This isn’t even a Time Square knockoff impersonator version of the food (“Basghetti and Beep Balls”), it’s the real deal. Way to go, Lean Cuisine!
Overall: ⅖.
If you love dessert, but wish it had more “ground beef” in it, then wow, wow, wow have I got big news for you!