1/5 Stars ⭐️
Some things just go together, you know?
Peanut butter and jelly. Thelma and Louise. The 2012 World Series Winning St. Louis Cardinals and MVP David Freese. (Ok, fine, I looked that one up.)
Mac and cheese with BBQ Pork is not one of those things.
But Stouffer’s bravely decided to test fate by mixing them anyway, and now we’re all paying the price. But mostly me, as I’m the one who had to eat it.
Let’s dive in.
Taste: 1/5
Scientists choose to spend their lives solving life’s greatest mysteries. Me having a frozen meal review blog is kind of the same thing. Hear me out.
Sure, maybe I’m not figuring out what lies beyond the stars or how to save the ocean. But, in a way, I’m working on even bigger questions. Like, “why does this exist?” and “if there is a god, why does she let good things (mac and cheese) happen to bad people (mushy bbq frozen pork)?”
I do not like this dish.
Appearance: 1/5
It breaks my heart to see mac and cheese ruined by the atrocity that is chunks of frozen bbq pork.
It’s like seeing the Grand Canyon filled with hot wet garbage. The Mona Lisa defaced with a mustache. A Hemsworth brother forced to wear a shirt.
(I added that one in to get some likes from Fun Aunts. HELLO, LADIES! Let’s break out the white wine and ice! Spend some Kohl’s Cash! Listen to Train’s Greatest Hits! My people!!!)
Overall: ⅕
There are 3 circumstances in which I’d eat this again:
- My entire family is locked in a car and the locksmith said there’s no way he’ll free them unless I eat an entire Stouffer’s MacFULL Pork Mac and Cheese.
- I’m suddenly heir to the Stouffer’s business – Willy Wonka-style – and I have to take a bite of this or else the Oompa Loompas will come for me in the night.
- I’m in the final round of a game show and all that stands between me and $10 million is….one bite of this frozen meal. It would be hard, but I could probably do it.