3/5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟
Remember that kid in your kindergarten class who wouldn’t stop eating glue?
Now imagine that kid grew up, became a food developer at Amy’s (congrats to them!) and decided to try his hand at making a mac and “cheeze” that has the exact same flavor profile and consistency as his beloved paste. It’s his dream come true! For that kid, I mean. Not for me. My dream would be if this thing actually tasted like anything resembling mac and cheese but, hey, we can’t all be winners.

Taste: 3/5
Look. This is a dairy free, gluten free option. I get that it’s not going to taste like it’s dairy-filled pals, who are lounging about with all their lactose and carbs. But the whole thing just tastes off. It has the consistency of something that you could use to build a house in a pinch. Or, at the very least, use to secure rhinestones to a nice hat with.
Ease of Cooking: ⅕
The box says not only do I need to microwave, take it out, stir and cook again…but it also wants me to let this thing cool off after it’s trip around the microwave? No way in hell. I eat my frozen meals the way God intended – immediately out of the microwave, muttering “ow ow ow OW” the entire time.
Appearance: 3/5
Eh. It looks like a 5 year old’s drawing of mac and cheese come to life. (Or come to fruition. Or wait, maybe this thing is alive? We can’t be sure.)
Overall: 3/5
This tastes like something you’d eat while you’re camping in your friends’ yard, to prove that you’re really roughing it.