The Oops! Did It Again Red Bodysuit is Lean Cuisines Chicken in Sweet BBQ Sauce
Little known Britney fact:
In order to make sure that the red leather bodysuit from the “Oops! I Did It Again” music video fit perfectly, Britney ate nothing but Lean Cuisine Chicken in Sweet BBQ Sauce every day for 7 months. She even tried to change the name of the song to “Oops! It’s Chicken Again” but her producers said no because it “did not make sense.”
Anyway, both the bodysuit and the Chicken in Sweet BBQ Sauce are a little sexy and vaguely wet looking.
(Probably because the old woman dropped it into the ocean in the end.)
(References don’t always have to make sense.)

2001 Slave For U VMAs Snake IS Broccoli Cheddar Rotini
This is the exact same outfit I used to wear to work every day before I got fired (snake wouldn’t stop biting the Finance Team).
This look is hands-down the Lean Cuisine Favorites Broccoli Cheddar Rotini. Besides both being yellow and green (these perception skills are why they call me the Sherlock Holmes of Frozen Meals), both of these take the expected and turn it on its head.
Which in Britney’s case, that means pairing a 6-foot-long deadly python with a crop top, while for Lean Cuisine, it’s more about putting flash-frozen broccoli florets in macaroni and cheese. Expect the Unexpected!

Circus Ringmaster Tour Look IS Lean Cuisine’s Supreme Pizza
Britney herself said it best – “There’s only 2 kinds of people in the world, the ones that entertain and the ones that observe.”
Using that logic, there’s also only 2 kinds of outfits in the world – the ones that are Lean Cuisine Features Supreme Pizza and the ones that are not.
In this case, this one is.

The Flight Attendant Toxic Video Look IS The Lean Cuisine Shrimp Alfredo Bowl
I may be remembering this incorrectly so don’t quote me, but I really respect how Pres. Obama used his 2010 State of the Union Address to break down each of Britney’s iconic looks from the “Toxic” music video. It’s what the American people were most concerned about at the time, and it’s just good leadership.
Anyway, the Flight Attendant look from the Toxic music video is the Lean Cuisine Shrimp Alfredo Bowl – delightful to look at but ultimately neither would be great on a long plane ride. (No offense to Britney, it just didn’t seem like she took her flight attendant job very seriously.)