2/5 Stars 🌟🌟
I think it was the classic film “It’s a Wonderful Life,” that said “Every time a bell rings, Lean Cuisine makes a bowl of warm, zesty sauce, drowns a strip or two of chicken in it and calls it lunch,” right? Tis the season!

Taste: 3/5
This Lean Cuisine has it all, as long as by “all,” you mean an aggressive amount of what I think might actually be Taco Bell sauce packets and, for some reason, cheddar bacon mashed potatoes. You know that old saying – “We go together like Buffalo Style Chicken and cheesy potatoes.”
(The potatoes actually kind of rule.)
Ease of Cooking: 2/5
Let’s hope you get a full 4 hours for lunch, because that’s how much time it takes to microwave, stir and then microwave again.
Appearance: ⅖
You know those volcano science fair projects that kids make in elementary school to learn what happens when you mix Coke and Mentos or whatever? (Maybe I’m wrong, I wasn’t paying attention that day.) It looks like the aftermath of that.
Overall: 2/5
Unless you’re holiday shopping for someone who won’t stop yelling, “PLEASE, someone help me, all I want this season is a big bowl of warm, zesty sauce, covering 1 to 2 tiny slices of chicken breast!!!”, I’d avoid this one.