4/5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟
One of the cool side effects about eating Lean Cuisines all of the time – besides the near-toxic level of sodium in your blood – is that your standards become so delightfully low. Like, if I was served this Vegetable Stir Fry at a restaurant, I’d be like “oh no, the chef has that disease where they think this is food :(“
But because it came out of my own microwave, here I am whispering, “this is incredible. It’s almost like the real thing!” (The “real thing” in this scenario is “food”.)
This comes in a fun little take-out style container, which feels v. glamorous to parade around the communal work lunch table, like you’re dressing up for Halloween as someone with good taste.
The biggest issue here was the thimble-sized portion, which gave me no choice but to eat literal fistfuls of LifeSaver Wint-o-Green Mints to keep my energy up, so I didn’t waste away into nothing.

Taste: ⅘
“TBH, it’s pretty hard to screw up noodles, vegetables and sauce” = my mantra here, and also my full back tattoo. It’s good and, because the word “vegetable” is in the title, it’s also extremely healthy. Beep beep, look out Goop! There’s a new lifestyle guru in town!
Ease of Cooking: ⅗
I do famously hate when you have to microwave, stir and microwave again, but, on the plus side, I like the little bowl this comes in.
Bonus – the bowl is a thick enough plastic where you can rinse it out to use as Tuppeware later. Which means I had to hunch over my work sink, like a little gremlin, scrubbing a $2 Lean Cuisine, muttering to myself “this is great. I’m going to use this later. THIS IS GREAT.”
Appearance: ⅖
Overall: ⅘.
Lean Cuisine does it again!