3/5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟
You better watch out, you better not pout, you better not cry, I’m telling you why – because something bad happened to Frosty the Snowman and now this Lean Cuisine Marketplace Vermont White Cheddar Mac and Cheese is all that’s left of him. We all have to handle this like adults. Thoughts and prayers.
Ew, that description made me gag. But honey, there’s no other way to describe this.
It’s absolute mush, like there was an accident in the arts and crafts room, and the macaroni necklaces fell into a big bucket of paste, and we’re for some reason calling it lunch.
But this is a Dance 10/Looks 3 situation, because it actually, somehow, remains pretty edible.

Taste: ⅘
It’s boring but in a way that ALL mac and cheese is pretty boring. It’s hot, it’s melted cheese, I’d eat this every single day.
Ease of Cooking: ⅕
Wee-oooo, weee-oooo, oh no, the authorities are here, and they’ve come to arrest whoever it is that invented microwaving then stirring then microwaving again. We hate to see it!
Appearance: ⅖
It’s rough. There’s no way this microwavable meal is any way, shape or form actually related to Vermont’s White Cheddar, unless “Vermont” is the name of the person who made the bold decision to forego the toxic orange food coloring we’ve come to love in mac and cheese.
Overall: ⅗
All we can really ask from our Lean Cuisines is that they taste alright, and that nobody at the work lunch table feels the need to comment “What…is that?” when looking at your food.
This one mostly hits those goals.