4/5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟
You know how when you bring a photo of a celebrity’s haircut to a stylist, you kind of assume, deep down, that when it’s done, you’ll look exactly like that celebrity?
Then afterwards, when you look in the mirror, you realize you don’t look like Mandy Moore’s doppelgänger (circa “Candy” music video of course) and you feel pretty dumb? (Just me?)
That’s kind of what this Trader Joe’s Chicken Burrito Bowl is like.
I bought it thinking it was going to be an exact Chipotle knockoff and…it’s not! I mean, it’s good. It’s not “E. Coli be damned, let’s go get Chipotle” good but it’s edible for sure!

Taste: 5/5
Maybe it’s the warm air, maybe it’s the fact that half my tastebuds have been burned off from constantly eating food the moment it comes out of the microwave, but I’m feeling generous here. This is good! I enjoyed the process of eating it!
Ease of Cooking: ⅘
Piercing the outer wrapping was exhausting, because i had to grab a fork AND aggressively stab it into the plastic a few times, but the 4 minute microwave time made up for it. It gave me time to wipe off the sweat from stabbing the plastic wrap.
Appearance: 4/5
It looked like food, which is saying something on a frozen meal blog.
Overall: 4/5
Almost as perfect as Mandy Moore’s chestnut highlights. <3